Kaldi Gørsimi




NAME: Kaldi of the Gørsimi Village
ALIASES: Quince, The Beast, The Prisoner
RACE: Rava Viera
GENDER: Male (he/him)
AGE: Late 40's
ORIENTATION: Pansexual / Demiromantic
LANGUAGES: Óminni, Dalmascan Common
ELEMENTS: Earth / Ice
CLASS: Reaper / Spearman / Archer
MSTI: ISTJ-T (Turbulent Logistician)
ENNEAGRAM: The Protector / The Challenger
RELIGION: Óminni Beliefs / The Green Word

"What do I care what you think? You're nothing but a rabid animal, and yet I'm wearing the muzzle."


Kaldi's black hair falls just below his shoulders. It's mostly straight with a medium thickness, which is why he often pulls it to lay over one shoulder. His face is framed by braids and sometimes the rest is tossed up in a haphazard bun or ponytail. Though he has solid muscle and a mesomorph body type, the contours are not as dramatic or large, such as like a Highlander hyur or Au Ra. His silhouette is lean yet athletic and he stands at roughly 5 fulm and 8 ilm (173cm). Hands are calloused, rough, and worn, and various unappreciable scars cover his body from the living situations he's been exposed to over his several cycles. The largest visible one of note is a surgical scar that spans from his inner, right elbow down to the wrist.As with most people, Kaldi's style of clothing varies with both climate and surroundings. During the first years of his life, he would have never been seen draped in the cloth of trespassers and vermin, but... his life hasn't exactly gone in the direction he hoped as a child. Kaldi has worn uniforms of war, tribal attire, and casual wear. The cuts are usually form-fitting yet leave room for movement. As of now, he leans toward a more modern style.

Voice Claim Source

His tenor voice usually remains low and even when speaking under normal circumstances. There is a hollow, "airy" quality to it, noticeable mostly at the end of his sentences. When angered, this can be unpredictable; Kaldi is not above yelling or growling, especially during a battle. His accent is that of the Viera clans of the Golmore, so he would have a similar pronunciation and inflection as others of his kind from this region.Player Note: This is an Endwalker spoiler so click at your own discretion. However, this is the best example of the Golmore Jungle viera/Kaldi's accent, which is Icelandic.


Positive traits +
honest, resolute, loyal, courageous, independent, physically fit, good listener, quick study, martial prowess

- Negative Traits
inflexible, terse, blunt, stubborn, trust issues, closed-off, prone to anger, vengeful, naive, lack of empathy, grumpy

The sheltered viera of the Wood is now a man of the Realm... The greater realm he never wanted to be part of in the first place. Kaldi is full of both anger and fear. Anger at the circumstances he was forced into that were beyond his control. Anger at his loss of those that he loved. At the loss of the Green Word in his ears. Fear of--he can't say. It won't come out. Putting feelings into words has never been Kaldi's strong suit even before he left the Wood. He is reserved, quiet, preferring to observe rather than speak in most cases.He isn't one for dishonesty or deceit. Kaldi has rarely lied or misled anyone intentionally. In fact, he is so focused most of the time that harmless exchanges, such as jokes and good humour, are ignored. A warrior has no need for levity--he shows his truth with his actions. At least, that's what he was taught. Kaldi values truth; he values personal integrity. Little patience is spared on those who take advantage of others or attempt to control them.Due to his upbringing and history of wood-warder training, Kaldi also values fighting ability, survival tactics, and battle ferocity over most other things in life. This, however, can also serve as a major social weakness. He despises being "shown up", belittled, or considered weaker than someone else. In fact, it's a rather glaring sore point that his usual silence would be broken to defend his own honour--or the honour of someone he respects. Kaldi is a "fight first, ask questions later" sort. Words are just words, after all: he'd rather prove himself in the ways that truly matter.As much as Kaldi considers himself "separate" from those he is currently surrounded with, over time he couldn't help but pick up the language, the expressions, and the general aura of a man beyond the Wood. He can be sarcastic, dry, and even smiles now and then. It takes a long while and a heap of trust, but it's not impossible. Just hard to earn. There's a sadness that runs through him that he never speaks on, but probably should someday. If he can ever find out what it is.


likes dislikes
animalsbeing touched
songs/musicclosed spaces
rain on leavesloud noises
hot mealssleep
foraging/plantsnew people
confidenceopen water
bare feetflashing lights
deadpan humourcomplaining
solitudebeing cold

Carried Items

  • Scythe

  • Leather Bag

  • Dried Meat & Fruit

  • Various Weapons

  • Carving Knife

  • Rope

  • Potions/Salves/Recovery Items

  • Bandage Wrap

  • Change of Clothes

  • Reaper Soulstone

  • Labradorite Necklace

  • Arrows/Fletchings/Equipment

  • Gil Purse (nearly empty)



Many cycles ago deep within the Golmore Jungle, a viera dam, Thollon, gave birth to twins. A rare, but not impossible, occurrence, the healthy children were hailed as a Blessing from the Wood and celebrated by the whole of their people during the first suns of their lives. Melra and Kaldi --named after the stars they were born under--were raised in accordance with the Óminni traditions for their first thirteen cycles. Melra always favoured shadowing their dam, Thollon, while Kaldi preferred to learn how to hunt, forage, and ended up spending much of the time in solitude. Listening. Watching. Learning. He developed a strong love for the Wood and for animals. Neither twin yearned for more nor desired anything beyond dwelling within the Wood and their beloved village, Gørsimi. After coming of age, the twins separated so that each might serve his and her roles for and with the Óminni. Each accepted their fates with fierce determination and bursting pride.

Kaldi left the village of Gørsimi with his mentor, Llev, alongside one other young male, Lenda. Kaldi and Lenda were somewhat friendly during their time growing up together within Gørsimi and got along well under the tutelage of their elder. Lenda's lighthearted and almost clumsy nature served as a stark contrast to the cool, collected, and already rather graceful nature of Kaldi. Kaldi took it upon himself to try to help Lenda subtlely (a boost here, a small nudge there), though to this day he is still uncertain as to whether the other young boy picked up on his attempts to offer subtle guidance. Training to be a wood-warder was no easy thing, but any suffering was tempered by the bonds between students and teacher, as well as student and student. However, the dynamic shifted when a lost wood-warder in training happened upon the trio after his own mentor met a sudden end. His name was Marhas and he certainly upset the harmonious balance. Talented and proud, he showed the other two up enough that Llev began to favour him during daily lessons. Only the strong can survive the Golmore, and Marhas showed quickly that he was strong--perhaps more than both of the other two combined. Kaldi was determined to keep up with his new, frustrating rival, leaving Lenda to fend more on his own. Strained times laid ahead, but peaceful nights together were scattered in the days few and far between.

Suns turn to moons turn to cycles. Nine years later, Llev is surrounded by three harsh, practiced men of the Wood. Each learned how to wield and make different kinds of tools and weapons depending on the situation. Each could forage, hunt, and knew the flora of the jungle like the back of their calloused hands. Each could fight to their last breath to protect what they loved. Their Wood. And no one else would take it from them. The time for their ascension to full wood-warder was at hand, and their mentor prepared for the sun of their trials, which were to be individual. Beyond this momentous accomplishment, they would cease to see each other again and live the solitary life of the true wood-warder. However, the outcome of these trials never came to fruition, and the stories of the patient mentor and his three wards Marhas, Lenda, and Kaldi changed directions forever.Llev almost succeeded. Instead, their time together in the Wood ended in a trial of blood and darkness.



Kaldi has known a life of fighting ever since he came of age. And either fortunately or unfortunately, the fight has found him no matter where he has ended up. From Dalmasca and the Golmore Jungle, to the jagged peaks of Yanxia, to the south region of Othard, and most recently, Eorzea, a knack for combat has kept Kaldi alive. He values martial skills over magicks for the most part, but is not without some knowledge of the Mist.

His Base Stats



Cycles in Use: ~20
Proficiency: |||||||||||||||
Primary Weapon
Taking the place of the spear in his armoire, the scythe is Kaldi's preferred weapon of choice. Thanks to its curved, sharpened blade, he is able to fight many at once without difficulty. The materials of the scythe provide an ample conduit for powers of the Void and aether to manifest and deliver blows with maximum potency.Acquired Scythes: Unnamed [In-Game Model: Death Sickle], Sepultura Lamina [In-Game Model: Ktiseos Zagnal]


Cycles in Use: 30+
Proficiency: |||||||||||||||||
Though he cannot truly call himself a master of any weapon, Kaldi is most practiced with the spear. Having started training with it before he came of age, this weapon is like an extension of himself. Despite it being part of him, circumstances drew Kaldi away from this favoured choice. However, if left in the forest with naught but his skin, he would first fashion a spear from a branch before anything else.Acquired Spear: None

Bow & Arrows

Cycles in Use: 30+
Proficiency: ||||||||||
Secondary Weapon
Kaldi's first weapon. He held one in his hands as early as age five, though that was purely out of show and tell rather than any serious encounter. Kaldi prefers melee combat over ranged, but sometimes the circumstance calls for a distant approach. He's a good shot. Not perfect, but not amateur.Acquired Bow: Unnamed [In-Game Model: Nabaath Bow]


Cycles in Use: ~20
Proficiency: ||||||||||
Back-up Weapon
His mentor always taught him to have at least three options when it comes to weapons, and the long dagger is the third chosen for Kaldi. Short, light, and compact, this blade is a trusty last resort when his scythe or bow is out of reach. It's usually on his person in or out of sight.Acquired Acinace: None


Cycles in Use: ~20 off & on
Proficiency: |||||||
A somewhat recent addition for Kaldi, any greatsword use has been out of pure desperation. He doesn't own one currently, but has picked them up on the battlefield to defend himself. Its large, heavy, and cumbersome style is not Kaldi's forte or preference, but it'll do in a pinch.Acquired Zweihänder: None

Magicks & Spells

Cycles in Use: 30+
Proficiency: ||||||||
Used primarily for survival tactics.
His connection to nature and the forest did not entirely disappear when he left the Wood. Though the Voice doesn't touch his ears any longer, Kaldi has an innate gift to control the plant-life around him in small, but meaningful, ways. He's no geomancer or conjurer, but this fighter is not without knowledge of basic spells. Neisti (spark/Fire I), Laekna (heal/Cure I), and Hreinsa (cleanse/Esuna) are his most commonly used ones on and off the battlefield.

Void Pact

Cycles in Use: ??
Proficiency: Unknown
Not a 'weapon' per se...
The pact made between man and Voidsent is precarious, but not without its benefits. It is this raw power of darkness that has turned the tide in Kaldi's favour many a time--at a cost. The fear borne of their union has created a reputation that may never be forgotten.
Nor forgiven.



Kaldi is most definitely an anti-social sort. He struggles to make actual friends, but no man is an island. He's made many connections over the decades of his life. Some are family, some are like family (even if he might not admit it), and others are enemies or sworn foes. These characters have helped shape Kaldi into who he is and why he does what he does. Whether or not they're "good people", they mean something to him. Often in complicated ways.Player Note: All of the characters below are NPCs involved with Kaldi's story. None of them are played by other people. They serve as a supportive network, for good or ill. Not all NPCs involved with Kaldi's life are listed here--only the "majors." It is possible for a player character to be featured here, but it will take a lot of roleplay and mutual investment!

  • Thollon - Dam - Salvemaker. She doesn’t raise children much, despite having them. She usually takes it upon herself to have children solely to keep the village going; she isn't too fond of them, otherwise. Sound mind, sound body. Thollon is headstrong and believes heavily in the traditions of the Óminni laid down by the elders and forebears. She toils endlessly to make the Wood proud, often to the exclusion of anything else.

  • Yolma - Elder Sister - Left the village long ago. Not much is known about her or where she ended up or if she's still alive. Thollon considers Yolma a failure and disappointment. Others are indifferent to her disappearance.

  • Melra - Twin Sister - Saying she idolizes her dam, Thollon, is an understatement. Melra wants nothing more than to take over as a salvemaker and become just as much of a pillar to the village as her mother has. She is fiercely loyal, passionate, and stubborn. Obviously she and Kaldi share the same sire, who is called Yerhariz. They know nothing of him other than his name.

  • Rendev - Younger Sibling - This little one has yet to speak many words, and often clings to the legs of their caretakers. Rendev is Thollon's youngest offspring and is likely to be her last.

  • Llev - Mentor Wood-Warder - This warden of the wood is high in years and possesses an almost unnatural amount of patience. Llev is calm, fierce, and wise. He trained Kaldi and the other viera lads how to survive in the Golmore Jungle for nine years. Llev became the father figure to all three of the trainees in varying degrees, even if the sentiment was never spoken aloud when they had the chance.

  • Lenda - Training Wood-Warder - Clumsy, a prankster. Though he's not as naturally talented as the other two trainees, he attempted to make up for it with his carefree and laid back attitude. Definitely the heart of the party, even if no one wanted a party. Lenda favoured spending time with Kaldi and got along with him best, even though the conversations were often one-sided. When things got hard, Kaldi could depend on Lenda to give him a boost to his spirits.

  • Marhas - Training Wood-Warder - Talented, strong, and sort of an arsehole. Marhas was a shining example of what it was to be a wood-warder, but his social skills were highly lacking which in turn made surviving with him difficult much of the time. His tolerance for Lenda was on thin ice, but Kaldi and he butted heads more often than not. The two were rivals to the core.

  • Torrad Hornblade - Ratiljost Clan Leader - Torrad is part of something dark, indeed. However, please roleplay with Kaldi to find out more about Torrad and rest of the Ratiljost.

  • Kaolin Heart - Ratiljost Clan Lackey - Same as Torrad. Please roleplay to find out more about Kaolin.

  • Clelia mal Gabinus - Garlean Biochemist - As one of the people responsible for Kaldi's recurring nightmares, hers is a face that he is not keen to see ever again. Clelia was Kaldi's "keeper" (for lack of a better term) during his time as both Garlean captive and soldier. She is intelligent, playful, and positively mad. To his knowledge, she is still located within the Garlean laboratory compounds within Valnain.

  • Misago Okeya - Doman Samurai - Sworn revenge against the 'reapers' that slayed hundreds mercilessly, Misago is committed to hunting down all that participated in the battles against her village. She is the leader of the three Yanxia-natives that no longer consider themselves able to return home until their duty is fulfilled--or they die trying.

  • Kagetora Tosho - Doman Samurai - Though technically Misago's elder by a handful of years, Kagetora is more of a follower and less a leader. He leans upon Misago's sense of justice (and direction) during most of their hunts for the wicked. Being a social outcast from the start, Kagetora isn't filled with the same rage as Misago, but stays with his merry band for lack of other perceived options.

  • Yomi Yumishi - Doman Kunoichi - What Yomi lacks in experience she makes up for in cruelty. Misago can always depend on her to take advantage of the shadows to deliver the kill. Though all three share the common goal of destroying Garleans and other invaders of Doma, Yomi's motivations are perhaps not as noble as revenge.

  • Emma - Dalmascan Resistance Lieutenant - Stern, but goodhearted. Emma doesn't deal with social pressure from others as well as she should, being in her position as a Lieutenant. She felt guilty keeping Kaldi on an almost literal leash for the sake of the Resistance army, but could not refute how useful he was during battles. She is a native of the Skatay mountains, but left them long ago to travel. Her warrior prowess and achievements earned her the rank she has now.

  • Gerstein - Dalmascan Resistance Squadron Leader - A typical small-minded "meathead" soldier, Gerstein is another fiercesome warrior on the field. None can deny his skill, but many could deal without his temper. He oversaw Kaldi during his time as part of the Resistance army--with extreme prejudice. Both he and his son would consider themselves Bozjan, even if Geitir isn't old enough to know what that means.

  • Geitir - Dalmascan Resistance Soldier - A good, strong lad, but Geitir doesn't belong in a war setting. However, being Gerstein's son, he feels he has something to prove. Geitir tried his best to be a friend and ally to Kaldi when most others turned a blind eye at the way he was being treated by Geirstein. He is naive, but his intentions are pure, at least.

  • Aline Jeaufort - Eorzean Botanist, Alchemist & Businesswoman - As a former handmaiden of Lady Amandine of Haukke Manor, she administered beauty regimens and potions prior to the Calamity. With this deep knowledge of plants and how to use them, she opened a flower shop in the Lavender Beds. She is originally from Tailfeather. Never married, no children. Aline is estranged from her family for reasons she won’t talk about to anyone, even Kagi. Perhaps related: she is eccentric. (Player Note: This shop exists ICly! Go to Crystal Data Center, Balmung, Lavender Beds, Ward 11, Plot 1 for a visit.)

  • Kagi Silgu - Eorzean Forager - Gridanian native. Kagi lost her father to the Calamity and mother to illness. She was taken in by Aline about 4 years ago after seeing the homeless Keeper girl wandering Gridania and the area surrounding. Headstrong, flirty, and trouble-prone, she and Aline butt heads a lot, however their relationship is full of dysfunctional mother-daughter love.

  • Orlette Gautoveux - Eorzean Maidservant - This Ishgardian native came into Aline's service only a few cycles ago. Their relationship is secretive and full of whispers; not even Kagi fully understands why Orlette so readily agreed to be Aline's servant after only one meeting. Her life isn't so hard, though, and she performs her duties every sun with diligence--and in uniform. She is a fabulous chef.

  • Megin - Chocobo - Rescued from his former master somewhat illegally, Megin is Kaldi's first true animal companion and steed. The two haven't known each other long, but there is a thin bond that formed the moment their eyes met. Megin is a chocobo with a few cycles under his belt, so his demeanor is naturally more serene than some younger, rambunctious birds. Kaldi would bend over backwards for this chocobo, and tends to him with the love and care that he has felt for animals all his life. Megin repays his new master's kindness with affectionate beak nibbles, headbutts, and soft kweh's!

  • Voidsent - ??? - The dark pact between the pair of souls can't be ignored, even if the spectre doesn't always deign to show itself. Their relationship is one filled with complicated history and emotions. It would be best to ask Kaldi during a time when his guard is lowered. Otherwise, good luck.






Roleplay Hooks


Kaldi has been to many locations throughout the world of Etheirys, so he doesn't have too many limitations in terms of roleplay settings. For convenience, the following are some likely scenarios that could put him in a scene with just about anyone!

"I've seen some shite."

Kaldi is the type of person to charge head first into the fray, whether it be an actual war or a leve or anything in between. This is the type of life he is used to first and foremost. Adventure, exploration, combat--all of these are good ways to start a scene!

Being both a foreigner and a warrior has its drawbacks. Eorzean people carry different sicknesses than those on Othard, and Kaldi's immune system is fighting to catch up with the change. He is often in need of healing or medicine.

"Back off. I said I'm fine."

"Another sun, another battle."

Having been part of the many conflicts between the factions of Othard, Kaldi has the most connections there. He knows some Domans, Bozjans, Garleans, and, of course, Dalmascan people. It would be easy to connect him to Othard and Ilsabard events over the past ~30 years.

In Eorzea, Kaldi is lodging with a Gridanian who is always in need of various items for her shop. Therefore, she often sends him on errands to the different city-states as well as foraging in the wilderness. Don't expect the warmest of greetings, however...

"Busy work... So annoying."

"Are you serious? T'ch."

Or...miscellaneous! I am open to suggestions and scenarios. So long as the concept makes sense to me, I'll run with it. Bear with Kaldi though--he doesn't take kindly to change. I will happily roleplay him anywhere I can, but he may not always be happy about it.

There are also some roles in Kaldi's life that could be filled by another player's character. This list is by no means complete, but serves as some ideas for long-term roleplay or more meeting ideas. Being a multifaceted character means more opportunities for meeting new people!

  • Blacksmith - Kaldi owns a lot of weapons and will need a lot of repairs, sharpening, and other maintenance.

  • Tailor/Armoursmith - Similar to above, Kaldi sees a lot of combat. His clothing will need to stay in good condition if he is to keep relatively injury-free!

  • Sparring Partner - Exercise can only go so far...

  • Eorzean Guide - Kaldi is still relatively new to Eorzea and the Western side of the realm. A navigator would not be remiss.

  • Retainer - Though he is not exactly a thriving member of society, he is able to hunt and forage some things to sell on the markets.

  • Rival - Light a fire under his arse!

From the Player


Hello! I'm Aiden. If you've reached this part, then thank you so much for your interest in my character! The link to my Twitter handle is in the bottom navigation if you would like to reach out! Before you do, however, please keep in mind the following:

I am over thirty years old with a full time job; I have a life outside of FFXIV and outside of roleplay. I can not and will not roleplay with you (or anyone) constantly. My timezone is EDT/EST, and I am usually free evening hours and weekends. Please respect my time; I will respect yours.

I value open communication, honesty, and kindness. Do not attempt to guilt-trip, manipulate, or any other drama-mongering tactics. I am experienced enough by now to know some things, and I reserve the right to pull away if I feel any of these are occurring.

I am not my character; my character is not me. I do not tolerate racism/sexism/ableism in any form. I will not roleplay with anyone under 18 years of age. I prefer the type of roleplay partner that is willing to chat about things OOCly and be casual friends outside of our stories together.

I am open to all kinds of roleplay relationships for Kaldi, though at this time he is not available for romancing. All other types are welcome, though! Rival, friend, enemy, etc. There are many paths one person can walk and he is the type of character that can have meaningful scenes without the other character being a love interest.

Though I would rather not have to put this here I've been burned in the past: As such, please do not steal any original content from this carrd regarding my character. All ideas, stories, NPCs, artwork, and media belong to me. Viera and other races depicted in screenshots belong to Square-Enix/Final Fantasy XIV, but all concepts and commission artworks relating to Kaldi are mine. Do not use anything here for your own character. Thank you.